We’ve all been taught to believe that yogurt is very good for us and in truth; the plain yogurt has a lot to offer us including calcium, protein and even healthy bacteria. It is basically pretty good in the calorie counting department as well, however most of us won’t eat plain yogurt, we want the yogurt that contains fruit and other tasty things. Yogurt that contains fruit is another story, with the addition of fruits and other items, the calcium, natural protein and bacteria remained however it was joined by between 14 and 40 grams of sugar per serving. This tends to deplete the health value of the food.
Baked chips are healthier for you than the fired alternatives however, they are still cooked in unsaturated fat. On top of that, a potato is a potato is a potato, no matter how you cook it. Potatos are high in the glycemic index, this means that they absorb fast and are much more likely to be stored as fat.
When looking for healthy foods, don’t be fooled by advertising. Look at the base food itself, is it a healthy food that is good for you? Then look at any additives that have been put into the food, are they healthy for you? If not, you may want to just pass them by in favor of something that is truly good for you.
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