Deficiency in the blood glucose level leads to the diabetes which is commonly occurred due to lack or absence of hormone called insulin in the body which is produced by pancreas. Diabetes is of two types, one which occurs commonly in people who are above 30 years, after getting older the hormone insulin is produced insufficiently by which glucose level cannot be balanced, proper diet and taking medicines keeps it stable. The other type is generally seen in people below 30 years, for whom insulin is not at all produced, they depend on insulin injection to maintain the glucose levels.
Some of the symptoms for diabetes are: enhanced thirst and hunger, sudden weight loss, fatigue, excessive urination and cuts or bruises take long time to heal.
Diabetes is very dangerous health disorder and may lead to cardiovascular diseases, retinopathy, amputation of effected leg or any part of the body, kidney disease or may even lead to blindness. You can cure diabetes using natural herbs, nutrients and vitamins instead of synthetic drugs.
There are natural remedies to stay away from diabetes, and maintain blood glucose levels. Here are top 10 home remedies for Diabetes:


Leaves, berries and seeds of jambul plant helps in balancing the glucose levels in blood, for them who are suffering from diabetes. This is available in market only in a certain season, which can be included with the routine diet. Making this habit helps in effective functioning of pancreas. Powder from seeds of jambul plant taken with water for every two days also helps.

Bitter Gourd:

First thing that is to be done by them who is suffering from diabetes is having the juice that is extracted from the bitter gourd with empty stomach commonly early in the morning. Following this remedy daily for few months helps to maintain glucose levels.


Diabetes can also be controlled by a herb called fenugreek. These fenugreek seeds should be soaked in water for a whole night and should be taken early in the morning, without eating anything prior to it. Powder of fenugreek seeds mixed with milk also helps you keep away from this disease. Making it daily routine for few months controls blood sugar levels.


Guava contains Vitamin C and fiber in it, with is more important for the people suffering from diabetes. Standard blood glucose level can be maintained eating guava everyday by peeling the skin off. Excess intake of guava is not suggested.

Mango leaves:

Soaking few mango leaves that are delicate and tender in water for a whole night and consuming it in the morning with empty stomach helps you stay away from diabetes. Powdering these leaves by drying them and taking half a teaspoon twice a day also controls diabetes.


Four teaspoons of cinnamon powder should be mixed with water and should be boiled in a low flame. Consuming this extract as a routine helps you maintain the blood glucose levels. Pinch of cinnamon with warm water also helps in curing diabetes.


Mixing gel that is extracted from aloe vera, bay leaf and turmeric powder in equal ratios and consuming the obtained solution daily before your meal helps you control the blood sugar level which in turn kepps you free from diabetes.


Water helps in mobilizing the sugar contents that are present in the body which controls cause of diabetes and also helps in maintaining glucose levels. Consuming 2.5 litres of water daily shows best results in people suffering from diabetes.


Sunlight produces Vitamin D which helps in the production of insulin helping in maintaining the blood glucose levels. Enjoy exposing to sunlight for few minutes early in the morning which helps in gaining Vitamin D and keeps you healthy.

Indian gooseberry:

Vitamin C is rich in Indian gooseberry or Amla helps pancreas to produce insulin in sufficient levels to maintain blood glucose levels. Two teaspoons of juice that is taken from the Indian gooseberry should be mixed with glass of water is essential to consume every morning with empty stomach to keep yourself from diabetes. Making a habit of having mixture of bitter gourd juice with Indian gooseberry juice in equal ratios also helps in curing diabetes.
Healthy food should be taken in parallel following these remedies helps you stay away from diabetes and keeps you fit and healthy. Exercise should also be considered as a routine. Taking advice of nutritionist regularly is also very important to stay healthy.
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