Even though gas and bloating can be a common condition suffered by most people in their daily lives, if it occurs to such an extent that one cannot do their daily function, that is when it is cause for concern. One needs to understand the reasons why excessive gas accumulates in the stomach. It is mainly due to the kind of diet pattern that one follows. Again, bloating and distension of the stomach are related conditions that are again brought about by certain physiological and dietary conditions. It is necessary to understand the causes and symptoms in order to find the right remedies for the same.

Causes Of Gas And Bloating

The cause of bloating of the abdomen can be due to:

  • Increase in air in the abdomen
  • Increase of fluids in the abdomen
  • Growth of tissue

Thus, even though normal bloating of the stomach is usually due to the accumulation of excess gas, bloating can also be caused by other ailments or conditions.
Flatulence or accumulation of gas in the stomach arises mainly due to two reasons:

  • Gas may accumulate when excessive air has been swallowed in the act of eating or in the course of other bodily actions
  • The bacteria in the gut produce gas as a byproduct while working on decomposing the food. Excessive air might be produced by such bacteria by reacting to certain food groups.
  • Sugars, starchy food and certain vegetables like cabbage is known to produce gas and bloating

Symptoms Of Gas And Bloating

When excessive gas is formed in the stomach or stomach becomes bloated, the following symptoms are seemed:

  • Excessive passing of gas or flatulence
  • Stomach feels tight
  • Discomfort in the chest area
  • Burping or belching
These are the common symptoms which are experienced when excessive gas or bloating of the stomach happens.

Home Remedies for Gas and Bloating

When one suffers from gas and bloating often, it is indicative of certain culprits that lie in one’s dietary intake. Indeed, the kind of food that one consumes along with lifestyle patterns are responsible for bringing on such conditions.
1. Sugary Food Intake To Be Reduced
It is known that excess gas is produced when sugary food is poorly digested. They are either maldigested or malabsorbed leading to production of excessive gas:
• The lactose present in the milk might be poorly digested
• Sorbitol which is a sweetener found in many low calorie food items can lead to gas
• Fructose found in the form of high fructose corn syrup is a sweetener that is used in most candies and drinks
2. Starchy Food To Be Avoided
It is known that starches are a common source of gas accumulation in the intestine. The common forms of starchy food are:
• Corn
• Rice
• Potatoes
• Oats
• Wheat
3. Whole Wheat Flour Products To Be Avoided
One needs to check whether they are suffering from such symptoms after consuming whole wheat flour products:
• Whole grain products consist of complex carbs that take effort to digest and may produce considerable gas
• Refined flour products can be substituted in such case if the above items are leading to a feeling of bloatedness
4. Cabbage To Be Avoided
If one is suffering from excessive gas it could be due to:
• Intake of vegetables like cabbage which consist of starches that are poorly digested
• As that reaches the colon and the bacteria work on it, gas is produced
5. Consume Vegetables And Fruits In Moderation
If one is suffering from gas and excessive bloated feeling they need to:
• Reduce the intake of whole fruits and vegetables
• Consume them in boiled or cooked form which is more easily digestible
As these items contain fiber or complex carbs, they will take more time to digest and will lead to excessive gas production in the stomach.
6. Positions To Take
There are many positions that one can take up in order to find relief:
• Lie back on the bed
• Put up the legs a ninety degree angle
Such a position helps the gas to leave the system and provides relief.
7. The Power Of Turmeric
• Use turmeric in organic form
• Used in cooking food will also provide relief
8. Try Clove Tea
Clove is known to provide relief if one adds it to the tea:
• Clove added to boiling water an allowed to stand to ten minutes
• The tea prepared with such water will act as an anti flatulent.
9. Ginger
Ginger is known for its properties to help improve digestion and related processes:
• It can help to digest and soothe the stomach acids
• Reduce the gas formation in the stomach and provide relief
10. Try Tea With Different Herbs And Ingredients
• Consuming peppermint is known to provide relief when one suffers from gas or bloatedness
• A bit of lemon juice squeezed in such tea will help to bust the extra gas that accumulates in the system
11. Fennel Seeds
Fennel seeds are known to work wonders for gas or bloatedness:
• One could try chewing fennels seeds. The juice from the seeds will reach the stomach and work on the gas directly
• The seeds can be used by crushing them and pouring boiling water over them
12. Try Parsley
This herb not only adds a delightful flavor to the food, it can also help to prevent excess gas accumulation:
• It can be had finely minced on top of food
• Can be added while cooking food
Are you suffering from gas and flatulence problem frequently? You will certainly find relief if you opt for the above remedies. You need to increase physical activities in order to have a healthier digestive system. Once one leads an active lifestyle, they will be able to consume the complex carbs and fruits and vegetables without suffering from excessive flatulence problem. Are you wondering what causes gas and bloatedness? The above points mentioned will help to provide answers to such queries.
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